Desperately Seeking Susans
It's poetry month, and we want to highlight one of the most niche and interesting poetry anthologies of recent years—a collection of poems by people called Susan (or Sue, or Suzanne, etc.). Because Canada has a wealth of talented Susans, Sarah Yi-Mei Tsiang brought them together in one stunning collection.

Desperately Seeking Susans

Museum of Kindness

That Singing You Hear at the Edges

What We Carry

Origami Dove


Throaty Wipes

Paramita, Little Black

Heaven's Thieves

Looking Through Stone
Poems about the Earth

Light Housekeeping

Thing Is

Picking Stones

Two Tragedies in 429 Breaths

A Paper Affair
Poems Selected and New

Nobody Move

Yellow Crane

Ghost Town

Crow's Vow, The


New Theatre

Bones of His Being, The