New Nonfiction for Kids: Spring 2018
When we give our kids books, we're giving them the world. Here are new and recent nonfiction books worth checking out.

On Our Street
Our First Talk About Poverty

Eat This!
How Fast Food Marketing Gets You to Buy Junk (And How to Fight Back)

Rising Seas
Flooding, Climate Change and Our New World

Wild Animals in Captivity

Can Your Outfit Change the World?

Way Downtown, The
Adventures in Public Transit

Professor Astro Cat's Solar System

Chinese New Year
A Celebration for Everyone

Supercool Facts You Never Knew

A Fair Deal
Shopping for Social Justice

Winter in Canada: Sports

Fault Lines
Understanding the Power of Earthquakes

Elephant Keeper, The
Caring for Orphaned Elephants in Zambia

Innovation Nation
How Canadian Innovators Made the World Smarter, Smaller, Kinder, Safer, Healthier, Wealthier, Happier

Giving Nature a Second Chance

The Man Who Knew Everything
The Strange Life of Athanasius Kircher

Winter in Canada: Machines