2017 Manitoba Book Awards
Mar. 23, 2017 – The Manitoba Book Awards, with the assistance of the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers, is pleased to announce the shortlist of books published in 2016. The juries read an amazing 127 books submitted by publisher imprints from across Canada in both English and French.

Abandoned Manitoba
From Residential Schools to Bank Vaults to Grain Elevators

Colonialism, Resources, and the Histories We Remember

Her Darling Boy
A Tale of Vimy Ridge

'Dinosaurs' of the Deep
Discover Prehistoric Marine Life

The Helen Betty Osborne Story

The Break

The Archaeologists


Another Me

Social Studies

Naamiwan's Drum
The Story of a Contested Repatriation of Anishinaabe Artefacts

No Escape from Greatness

I Don't Like Bugs!

Christmas in the Crosshairs
Two Thousand Years of Denouncing and Defending the World's Most Celebrated Holiday

The Bootlegger's Confession

The Shadow over Portage and Main

Horse-and-Buggy Genius
Listening to Mennonites Contest the Modern World

Indigenous Writes
A Guide to First Nations, Métis, & Inuit Issues in Canada

Thrashing Seasons
Sporting Culture in Manitoba and the Genesis of Prairie Wrestling

A Blanket of Butterflies

Will I See?

Somewhere a Long and Happy Life Probably Awaits You

A Novel