PEI Books
More than just Green Gables. Books about and set in Prince Edward Island.

Time and a Place
An Environmental History of Prince Edward Island

A Novel Inspired by the Life of L.M. Montgomery

Colour Prince Edward Island

Prince Edward Island Then and Now

Prince Edward Island Tastes
Recipes from PEI's Best Restaurants

Tide Road

I am an Islander

Beach Reading

Ni'n na L'nu The Mi'kmaq of Prince Edward Island

No Choice
The 30-Year Fight for Abortion on Prince Edward Island

Door to the Past
Abandoned Properties of Prince Edward Island

Trails of Prince Edward Island

Those Splendid Girls
The Heroic Service of Prince Edward Island Nurses in the Great War

Prince Edward Island: Landscape and Light

The Great Canadian Bucket List — Prince Edward Island

Flavours of Prince Edward Island
A Culinary Journey