Women in BC
BC books either written by or about women.

Gerry, Get Your Gun
The Legendary Life of Hunting Guide Gerry Bracewell

For Your Own Good

The Average Height of Flight

This Place A Stranger
Canadian Women Travelling Alone

The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP

The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP
The Life of Bohemian Rancher and Painter Sonia Cornwall, 1919-2006

Chautauqua Serenade
Violinist Ruth Bowers on Tour, 1910-1912

Two-Gun & Sun

A Place Called Sorry

A Place Called Sorry

He Leaves His Face in the Funeral Car


Rough Ground Revisited

Rough Ground Revisited

Christy Clark
Behind the Smile

Christy Clark
Behind the Smile

At Sea with the Marine Birds of the Raincoast

At Sea with the Marine Birds of the Raincoast

Price Paid
The Fight for First Nations Survival

U Girl

Emily Carr As I Knew Her

Emily Carr As I Knew Her

Heroines Revisited
Photographs by Lincoln Clarkes