Under the 49th Tree
We are a small team, and a greedy one: we want many, many books under our Christmas tree. But they won't all fit. So here's the tip of the iceberg: the hopes (nay, demands) of our working team—Kerry Clare, Robert J. Wiersema, Trevor Corkum, Adrienne Guthrie, Craig Riggs, and Kiley Turner. Be sure to check out "Why It's On the List" beneath each selection to see what we had to say about our wish. How about you? Tell us on Twitter or Facebook!

A novella

Tuco and the Scattershot World
A Life with Birds

The Road In Is Not the Same Road Out

The Logic of Ecstasy
Canadian Mystical Painting, 1920-1940

One Hit Wonders


Hand Drawn Halifax
Portraits of the city's buildings, landmarks, neighbourhoods and residents

A Celtic Temperament
Robertson Davies as Diarist

Eating Habits of the Chronically Lonesome

Three Times a Day