BC Books From the Mainland/Southwest
Books written by authors living in BC's Lower Mainland.

What We Learned
Two Generations Reflect on Tsimshian Education and the Day Schools

The Iconic North
Cultural Constructions of Aboriginal Life in Postwar Canada

Settler Anxiety at the Outposts of Empire
Colonial Relations, Humanitarian Discourses, and the Imperial Press

Sister Soldiers of the Great War
The Nurses of the Canadian Army Medical Corps

Parole in Canada
Gender and Diversity in the Federal System

North to Bondage
Loyalist Slavery in the Maritimes

Public Interest, Private Property
Law and Planning Policy in Canada

Critical Suicidology
Transforming Suicide Research and Prevention for the 21st Century

Made in Nunavut
An Experiment in Decentralized Government

Parties and Party Systems
Structure and Context

Maritime Command Pacific
The Royal Canadian Navy’s West Coast Fleet in the Early Cold War

Making a Scene
Lesbians and Community across Canada, 1964-84

Media and the Coverage of Race in Canadian Politics

Resource Communities in a Globalizing Region
Development, Agency, and Contestation in Northern British Columbia

From Slave Girls to Salvation
Gender, Race, and Victoria’s Chinese Rescue Home, 1886-1923

The Untold Story of the Fight for Equality in the RCMP

Rough Ground Revisited

Treasures of the Royal British Columbia Museum and Archives

Assdeep In Wonder

Garage Criticism
Missives in the Age of Distraction



Les Faux Bourgeois