Celebration of Canadian Poetry
UPDATE - September 22, 2016 - THAT'S A WRAP ! ! ! 91 WEEKS AND 357 ARTICLES - IT HAS BEEN FUN. LOTS OF ENJOYABLE READING ABOUT CANADIAN POETRY WILL REMAIN ON THE BRICK BOOKS WEBSITE. ******* In 2015 Brick Books marks a big milestone – our 40th anniversary!! Over those 40 years we are proud to have published well-known poets Michael Ondaatje, Anne Carson, Dennis Lee, Robert Kroetsch and P.K. Page. As well, we published the first books of poets Karen Solie, Julie Bruck, Adam Dickinson, Sue Sinclair, Jan Zwicky, Phil Hall, Sue Goyette and Steven Price. What better way to highlight this achievement than through a broad conversation about Canadian poetry!! Each week on our website, we will feature articles about a Canadian poet or a specific poem or a meeting with a Canadian poet. Our presenters are poets, novelists, teachers, publishers, booksellers, musicians, readers, doctors, media people, artists…. Thanks to my friend Jen Hale for the great idea. Welcome aboard!! A sneak peek in anticipation of January 1st… Week 1 included articles about Margaret Avison presented by John B. Lee, James Reaney presented by his family, Anne-Marie Turza presented by Lorna Crozier, et Célébrons la poésie – Anne Hébert présentée par André Vanasse. Here is the link to follow along http://www.brickbooks.ca/category/news/celebrate-canadian-poetry/
The Honeymoon Wilderness

When Earth Leaps Up
The Selected Poetry of Jeni Couzyn


Joy Is So Exhausting

That Night We Were Ravenous


One Muddy Hand
Selected Poems

Shanghai Noodle Killing, The

A Story as Sharp as a Knife
The Classical Haida Mythtellers and Their World

In Calamity's Wake

The End of Travel


Milton Acorn

Alligator Pie Classic Edition

Lost Gospels

The Voluptuous Gardener
The Collected Art and Writing of Joe Rosenblatt, 1973-1996

Invisible Dogs

Rumrunners, The
A Prohibition Scrapbook

North End Love Songs

Peacock Blue
The Collected Poems

Hooked: seven poems
seven poems

The Half-Lives of Pat Lowther