Gifts for those who dream of a wilder life...
This is a list of books that would make a great gift for that person who dreams of a quieter life off-the-grid, off-shore, or on a ranch. From rural and wilderness regions of Canada's westernmost province. All of these books are published by Caitlin Press, the voice of rural British Columbia.

Becoming Wild
Living the Primitive Life on a West Coast Island

Born Out of This

And the River Still Sings
A Wilderness Dweller's Journey

Somewhere In Between

The Junction
Stories of Land and Place in the BC Interior

Drawn to Sea
Paintbrush to chainsaw - carving out a life on BC's rugged Raincoast

The Light Through the Trees
Reflections on Land and Farming

Seasons of a Fly Fisher
Fly Fishing Canada's Western Waters

Old Lives
In the Chilcotin Backcountry