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Book Lists

Diversity in CanLit

Canadians have written a wide range of diverse books — here are a few to add to the #WeNeedDiverseBooks campaign. "We Need Diverse Books is a grassroots organization created to ... recognize all diverse experiences, including (but not limited to) LGBTQIA, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural, and religious minorities." However, as Léonicka of #DiverseCanLit explains, a lot of the problem is that there is no cross-over in the genres. An immigrant story is marketed as *just* an immigrant story; a sci-fi Aboriginal narrative is marketed as *just* Aboriginal, not sci-fi; or their experiences are used as tropes and clichés. This is part of the problem—that diverse characters and backgrounds aren't reflected in all genres or story types.

by Monica Miller · Tagged diversity, minorities, DIV-0318, diversity and inclusion

When I Was Eight

illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard
by (author) Christy Jordan-Fenton & Margaret-Olemaun Pokiak-Fenton

Night Wanderer, The

A Native Gothic Novel

by (author) Drew Hayden Taylor

Caribou Song

by (author) Tomson Highway
illustrated by John Rombough

Iskooniguni Iskweewuk

The Rez Sisters in its original version: Cree

by (author) Tomson Highway

Dream Wheels

by (author) Richard Wagamese

A Killing Winter

by (author) Wayne Arthurson

Yellow Vengeance

by (author) Liz Bugg


by (author) Garry Ryan

Frog Girl

by (author) Paul Owen Lewis

Spirit Quest

by (author) Diane Silvey

Time of the Thunderbird

by (author) Diane Silvey
illustrated by John Mantha

Orphan Ahwak

by (author) Raquel Rivera

Kenta and the Big Wave

by (author) Ruth Ohi

Me and My Brother

by (author) Ruth Ohi

Naomi's Tree

by (author) Joy Kogawa
illustrated by Ruth Ohi

Up Home

by (author) Shauntay Grant
illustrated by Susan Tooke

Suki's Kimono

by (author) Chieri Uegaki
illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch

A Walk on the Tundra

by (author) Rebecca Hainnu & Anna Ziegler
illustrated by Qin Leng

Dear Baobab

by (author) Cheryl Foggo
illustrated by Qin Leng

Hide and Sneak

by (author) Michael Arvaarluk Kusugak
illustrated by Vladyana Krykora

Abby's Birds

by (author) Ellen Schwartz
illustrated by Sima Elizabeth Shefrin

Lights for Gita

by (author) Rachna Gilmore
illustrated by Alice Priestley

Mom and Mum are Getting Married!

by (author) Ken Setterington
illustrated by Alice Priestley

Chin Chiang and the Dragon's Dance

illustrated by Ian Wallace

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