The Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers
April 28th marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, "Yom Hashoah" in Hebrew. From sunset on the 27th until sunset on the 28th, people around the world will be marking this date—the anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising—to remember the devastation of the Holocaust. So many lives lost. So many stories that will never be told. To commemorate Holocaust Remembrance Day, Second Story Press and 49th Shelf are offering a special Win The List contest, with the chance to win an inspiring and informative collection of stories about the Holocaust for young readers. Our youngest readers are often very concerned about this terrible time in our history and they are curious to learn more. There is no better way than to read stories of the real people who lived through it. The Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers tells stories of young girls and boys just like them whose lives were shaped by living through this most dangerous time. As a special bonus, the winner will receive a free copy of the new Holocaust Remembrance Series for Young Readers Teacher Resource—Digital Edition. See for more.

Shanghai Escape

We Are Their Voice
Young People Respond to the Holocaust

To Hope and Back
The Journey of the St. Louis

Guardian Angel House

The Diary of Laura's Twin

Hana's Suitcase

Hiding Edith
A True Story

The Righteous Smuggler

Clara's War

The Underground Reporters

The Night Spies

Branded by the Pink Triangle