books that interest me
saving the books that I would be inspired to read

Wrongfully Convicted
The Innocent in Canada

Wild West Women
Travellers, Adventurers and Rebels

An Illustrated History

Why I Hate Canadians

Whisky and Ice
The Saga of Ben Kerr, Canada's Most Daring Rumrunner

West Coast Adventures
Shipwrecks, Lighthouses, and Rescues Along Canada's West Coast

Wartime Halifax
The photo history of a Canadian city at war - 1939-1945

Vilhjalmur Stefansson
Arctic Adventurer

True Stories from Nova Scotia's Past

True North
The Yukon and Northwest Territories

Trappers and Trailblazers

Tom Thomson
The Life and Mysterious Death of the Famous Canadian Painter

Titanic Victims in Halifax Graveyards
2nd edition

This Day in Vancouver

The Wild Frontier
More Tales from the Remarkable Past

The Vikings Return
Icelandic Immigration to Canada, 1870-1920
The True North
Graphic Tales of Canada

The Spirit of Africville

Railroader's Wife
Letters from the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway

Penguin History of Canada

The Old Stones of Kingston
Its Buildings Before 1867

The Oldest City
The Story of St. John's Newfoundland

The Lockeport Lockout
An Untold Story in Nova Scotia's Labour History

The Halifax Explosion
Heroes and Survivors