Bullies Beware
Books to help kids of all ages deal with the all-too-persistent problem of bullying. The list starts with non-fiction, moves to elementary, and then hits the YA scene. Many are award-winners or otherwise critically acclaimed. See the blog post on which the list is based at: http://49thshelf.com/Blog/2012/11/13/Bullies-Beware-Kids-and-YA-Books-for-Bullying-Awareness-Week

Deal with it and Ctrl Alt Delete it

Deal With It Series Bullying & Conflict Resource Guide

Eddie Longpants /hc

Feather Brain

How to Tame a Bully

Lilly Traps the Bullies

I Like Who I Am

Perfect Pals

Adventures of Gus & Isaac

Tale of Sir Dragon, The
Dealing with Bullies for Kids (and Dragons)

The Reluctant Journal of Henry K. Larsen

The Last Superhero


The Nine Lives of Travis Keating


Born Ugly