Eden Mills Writers' Festival 2013
Books by authors appearing at this year's festival. Their latest whenever possible, but some stellar backlist as well. www.edenmillswritersfestival.ca

Indian Horse

Magnified World


Night Sky Wheel Ride

Siege 13

Mister Dash and the Cupcake Calamity


Writing Gordon Lightfoot
The Man, the Music, and the World in 1972

The April Poems

Mai at the Predators' Ball

A Tap on the Window

The Inconvenient Indian
A Curious Account of Native People in North America

A Beautiful Truth

Food For A Finite Planet

The Truth About Luck
What I Learned on My Road Trip with Grandma

A World Elsewhere

Studio Saint-Ex

The World Is Moving around Me
A Memoir of the Haiti Earthquake

I Can Say Interpellation

My Name Is Parvana

Pluto's Ghost



Every Never After
Book 2 of the Once Every Never Trilogy