Italian Canadian Writers/Writing
A (work-in-progress) list of work by Italian-Canadian authors and/or books with a strong Italian connection. Enjoy!

In a Glass House

Lives of the Saints

The Origin of Species

Not Paved With Gold
Italian-Canadian Immigrants in the 1970s

Where She Has Gone

Post-Sixties Nocturne

Whoever Gives Us Bread
The Story of Italians in British Columbia

Essays on Other Literatures

Sad Facts

Benedetto Croce and Italian Fascism

The Civilization of the Italian Renaissance
A Sourcebook, Second Edition
If on a Winters Night a Traveller

How the Italians Created Canada
From Giovanni Caboto to the Cultural Renaissance
The Italian Immigration Experience in Canada


Righting Canada's Wrongs: Italian Canadian Internment in the Second World War

Vite italiane
Dodici conversazioni con italiani

Advice For Italian Boys
The Way I Remember It
The Other Shore

Pillars Of Lace
The Lion's Mouth

My Summer in the Italian Minor Leagues