RMB - FALL 2012
RMB's Fall 2012 selection of books shows that this once strictly regional publisher is continuing to branch out and push itself in terms of what it publishes. RMB is showing Canadians that this publishing company has something to say and they are saying it in the books that they produce, the authors they chose to support and the subjects they tackle. These are titles for lovers of books and for those who "Think Outside".

Wolves Unleashed

The Will of the Land—Updated Edition

Keeper of the Mountains
The Elizabeth Hawley Story


Cold Matters
The State and Fate of Canada's Fresh Water

Digging the City
An Urban Agriculture Manifesto

Gift Ecology
Reimagining a Sustainable World

Little Black Lies
Corporate & Political Spin in the Global War for Oil

Becoming Water
Glaciers in a Warming World

Summits & Icefields 2
Alpine Ski Tours in the Columbia Mountains

Prairie Gothic
Photographs by George Webber