Freedom to Read: Challenged Books in Canada
To underline the relevance and importance of Freedom to Read Week and censorship issues, we have created a list of Canadian books that have been subject to censorship, banned or legally challenged in Canadian schools and libraries recently and in past decades. This list has been adapted from the Freedom to Read Week "List of Challenged Books and Magazines." You can find the full list at

When Everything Feels like the Movies

This One Summer

The Helen Betty Osborne Story

Essex County Volume 1: Tales From The Farm

The Young in One Another's Arms

Hey Dad!

Glory Days and Other Stories

Ziggy Piggy and the Three Little Pigs

Asha's Mums

Who Is Frances Rain?

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz

The Shepherd's Granddaughter

Penguin Modern Classics the Wars

Bad Medicine - Revised & Updated
A Judge’s Struggle for Justice in a First Nations Community – Revised & Updated

Barometer Rising
Large Print Edition
Listen to Me, Grace Kelly

Penguin Celebrations - Lives of Girls and Women

Matthew and the Midnight Flood

Who's in Maxine's Tree

The Handmaid's Tale
Last of the Golden Girls

Three Wishes

Underground To Canada
Puffin Classics Edition