Barbara Reid
Books by Barbara Reid
Picture a Tree
La neige parfaite
Perfect Snow
I Love You More
Watch It Grow: Backyard Life Cycles
Backyard Life Cycles
Imagine le ciel
Imagine un arbre
Picture the Sky
Ah, ces oiseaux!
Quel beau petit!
The New Baby Calf
Have You Seen Birds?
Baby's First Treasury
Read Me a Book
Deux par deux
Two by Two
The Golden Goose
A Scholastic Canada Reader
Je peux lire! Niveau 4 : L'oie d'or
Welcome, Baby
Zoe's Year
Easter Book Collection
Baby's First Library
Fox Walked Alone
Un, deux, trois, Voilà la Mère l'Oie!
Sing a Song of Mother Goose
Lis-moi une histoire
Peg And The Yeti
The Subway Mouse
Un Monde En Pate A Modeler
Oie Dor
Fun with Modeling Clay
Just Desserts
and Other Treats for Kids to Make
Tell Me a Story: Gifts
Book and Cassette