Karin Randoja

Karin Randoja is a multi-award-winning theatre artist who has directed and dramaturged devised performance for almost thirty years. She graduated from the National Theatre School of Canada (acting) and went on a to be a founding member of Primus Theatre and the Independent Aunties. She has also been the director/dramaturge of such plays as This Is The Point, huff by Cliff Cardinal (winner of multiple Dora Mavor Moore Awards, the Quebec Critics’ Award, Buddies in Bad Times Vanguard Award for Risk and Innovation and the RBC Tarragon Emerging Playwright Prize), Brotherhood: The Hip Hopera, My Nightmares Wear White (winner of the SummerWorks Spotlight Award for Performance), and numerous other performances that have been nominated for the Prix Rideau, Dora Mavor Moore Awards, and the Capital Critics Circle Award. Her work has been seen in Australia, Denmark, India, Italy, France, England, Japan, and Mozambique. As a teacher/director she has been a faculty member at Humber College for nineteen years, the Centre for Indigenous Theatre for four years, and was a guest instructor at the National Theatre School of Canada for seven years.