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Dom Pelletier

DOM PELLETIER a commencé à dessiner des caricatures dès son jeune âge et il n’a jamais déposé ses crayons depuis. Il a étudié la communication graphique à l’Université Laval de Québec. Puisqu'il adore le grand air, il a planté des arbres et voyagé partout dans le monde avant de commencer à travailler comme concepteur de jeux vidéo. Après une rencontre marquante au Salon du livre de Québec, Dom s’est associé aux Éditions Scholastic pour publier sa populaire série comique 100 blagues! Et plus.... Après la publication de 50 de ces livres hyper amusants, il a réorienté sa création vers l’hilarante série de bandes dessinées Les timbrés. Il vit avec sa femme à Saint-Liboire, au Québec.


DOM — a.k.a Dominique — PELLETIER started drawing cartoons at a young age and has never put his crayons down, studying graphic communications at Laval University in Quebec City. A lover of the great outdoors, he has planted trees and travelled the world before beginning work as a video game designer. After a fateful meeting at the Quebec Book Fair, Dom teamed up with Éditions Scholastic on their bestselling joke book series. Fifty very funny books later, he has translated his joke book success into the hilarious graphic novel series, The Lunch Club (Les timbrés). He lives with his wife in Saint-Liboire, Quebec.

Books by Dom Pelletier

Puzzle of Doom (The Lunch Club #8)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier
translated by Dina Ginzburg

Les timbrés : N˚ 8 - Quel casse-tête!

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Night of the Living Rocks (The Lunch Club #7)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N˚ 7 - Le 13ᵉ signe

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

The Swamp Thingy (The Lunch Club #6)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 6 - Le mystère du marais

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

The Return of the Mummy (The Lunch Club #5)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : No 5 - La momie spatio-temporelle

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 5 - La momie spatio-temporelle

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Revenge of the Bigfoot (The Lunch Club #4)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

The Mutant Mouse from Outer Space (The Lunch Club #3)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

The Curse of the Scarewolf (The Lunch Club #2)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : No 4 - Les traces du Bigfoot

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 4 - Les traces du Bigfoot

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 3 - Le cadeau mutant

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

It Came from the Basement (The Lunch Club #1)

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 2 - Le Rodri-Garou

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Présentoir de comptoir : Les timbrés : N° 1 - Le navet spatial

illustrated by Dom Pelletier

Les timbrés : N° 1 - Le navet spatial

illustrated by Dom Pelletier