Evalyn Parry

Evalyn Parry is the artistic director of Buddies in Bad Times Theatre in Toronto. Her award-winning, innovative and interdisciplinary work is inspired by intersections of social justice, history and auto/biography. A theatre performer, writer, director, and deviser, Evalyn is also a singer-songwriter; she has released five critically acclaimed CDs of original music, and a short film, To Live in the Age of Melting: Northwest Passage, in collaboration with Elysha Poirier. She is the winner of the KM Hunter Artist Award for Theatre, the Ken McDougall Award for Directing, and the Colleen Peterson Songwriting Award. Her theatre-concert SPIN—about the feminist history of the bicycle—has had more than 250 performances around North America. Other recent theatre projects at Buddies in Bad Times Theatre include directing The Youth/Elders Project, the multi–Dora Mavor Moore Award–winning Obaaberima by Tawiah M’Carthy and writing / performing Kiinalik: These Sharp Tools with Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory.