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Pete Luckett

Pete Luckett began his career as a barrow boy in Nottingham, England. After many adventures, he won the 1999 Canadian Federation of Independent Grocers National Gold Award for his flagship market, Pete's Frootique, in Bedford, Nova Scotia. Across Canada, his Chop 'n' Chat workshops keep audiences laughing and learning about everything from apples to ugli fruit, and his unique blend of entertainment and sound advice have made him television's most popular fruit-and-veggie expert. His first book, Pete Luckett's Complete Guide to Fresh Fruits and Vegetables was a best-seller, and his all-new Greengrocer's Kitchen: Vegetables and Herbs in turn has become a stand-by for novices and experienced cooks alike. Its sequel, The Greengrocer's Kitchen: Fruit and Nuts, is every bit as helpful and enchanting.