Etta Kaner
Books by Etta Kaner
Do Not Eat Like a Tiger Shark!
Wacky Ways Animals Slurp, Chomp and Gulp
Beware the Burmese Pythons
And Other Invasive Animal Species
Rock? Plant? Animal?
How Nature Keeps Us Guessing
De la crème glacée pour les lézards?
Comment les animaux se rafraîchissent
Do Lizards Eat Ice Cream?
How Animals Beat the Heat
Pretty Tricky
The Sneaky Ways Plants Survive
Du chocolat chaud pour les grenouilles?
Comment les animaux se réchauffent
Wild Buildings and Bridges
Architecture Inspired by Nature
Do Frogs Drink Hot Chocolate?
How Animals Keep Warm
Animals Do, Too!
How They Behave Just Like You
And the Winner Is ...
Amazing Animal Athletes
Earth-Friendly Buildings, Bridges and More
The Eco-Journal of Corry Lapont
Have You Ever Seen a Hippo with Sunscreen?
Have You Ever Seen a Stork Build a Log Cabin?
Have You Ever Seen an Octopus with a Broom?
Have You Ever Seen a Duck in a Raincoat?
Comment se défendent les animaux?
Who Likes the Rain?
Mon amie la pluie
Who Likes the Sun?
Mon ami le soleil
Who Likes the Snow?
Mon amie la neige
How Animals Defend Themselves
Who Likes the Wind?
Mon ami le vent
Animals Migrating
How, When, Where and Why Animals Migrate
Animal Groups
How Animals Live Together
Animal Talk
How Animals Communicate through Sight, Sound and Smell
Animals at Work
How Animals Build, Dig, Fish and Trap
Animal Defenses
How Animals Protect Themselves