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Harold Kalant

Harold Kalant, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Pharmacology and Pathological Chemistry with the University of Toronto and Director Emeritus of Behavioral Research with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. He received training in Internal Medicine and then went on to obtain a PhD in Pathological Chemistry with a post doc fellowship in biochemistry. He was working with individuals struggling with alcoholism as early as the 1950s and has gone on to become an international authority on the study of drug dependency and toxicity with additional specific expertise in the area of cannabinoids. Dr Kalant was appointed by the Governor General to the first board of the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (1989-1993). He has served on the extra-mural research advisory board for NIDA and is past chair of the WHO Committee on Cannabis and Health (1994-1998). Dr Kalant has received numerous honors and awards for his work including the Distinguished Scientist Award with the American Society of Addictions Medicine.