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Britt Holmström

Britt Holmstršm was born in Malmš, Sweden, where she lived until 1970. A trip to London became a one-year life experience, which provided material for her first book, Peppermint-Gin. The film rights to Peppermint-Gin were sold the same year, providing Britt with adequate funds to live in Spain. There, in Harry's Bar, she met a Canadian, soon thereafter married him, and moved to Canada. She remained in her adopted country, but left the husband and acquired a new one.

She has completed several degrees: an M.Sc. in microbiology and a visual arts diploma in fashion design.

In 1982, she moved to Regina, Saskatchewan. She lives there, with her husband and two children. Her first English language novel, The Man Next Door, published in 1998, won the City of Regina Book Award.