Linda Hendry
Books by Linda Hendry

Priscilla's Paw de Deux

Priscilla and Rosy

Pup and Hound's Big Book of Stories
A Collection of 6 First Readers

No Frogs for Dinner

Benny Bensky and the Parrot-Napper

Pup and Hound Scare a Ghost

Pup and Hound Play Copycats

Pup and Hound Catch a Thief

Pup and Hound Hatch an Egg

Room 207

Horse Crafts

Pup and Hound Lost and Found

Pup and Hound at Sea

Pup and Hound in Trouble

Pup and Hound Stay Up Late

Pup and Hound

Pup and Hound Move In

The Kids Can Press French & English Phrase Book

Benny Bensky and the Giant Pumpkin Heist

Cat Crafts

Dog Crafts

Fous des chats

Fous des chiens

Of Mice and Nutcrackers
A Peeler Christmas

Benny Bensky and the Perogy Palace

Kids Can Press French & English Phrase Book, The

Kids Can Press Spanish & English Phrase Book, The
Kids Can Press French & English Word Book, The
Mon Plus Bel Album De Phrases Ill

Making Gift Boxes

The Way to Schenectady
Making Picture Frames