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Philippe Germain


Philippe Germain a toujours aimé dessiner. Lorsqu'il était gamin, il était l'artiste officiel de la classe. C'est pendant ses études en graphisme au collège Ahuntsic qu'il signe son premier contrat avec une firme qui lui commande plusieurs illustrations. Il met aujourd'hui son talent à profit en réalisant des manuels scolaires, des magazines et des livres. Il a illustré la série Alex de Gilles Tibo.


Philippe Germain has always surrounded himself with his drawings. When he was a child, Philippe was the official illustrator of his classroom. Many years later, while completing his post-secondary education in design, a business contacts him to order his drawings thus launching his career in illustration.

Philippe's talent is not limited to children's books. His illustrations appear in textbooks as well as magazines. He is the illustrator of the Alex series written by Gilles Tibo.