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Joan Garvan

Joan Garvan, PhD (ANU) her thesis title Maternal Ambivalence in contemporary Australia: Navigating equity and care. She has an internet site, offered online professional development courses, and continues to work as an advocate with Maternal Health Matters. Joan is an inaugural member of Maternal Scholars Australia (formerly AMIRCI) and presented at conferences in Australia, Toronto, New York and Florence. Joan was both a mature aged student and a mature aged mum and her children have blossomed into young adults. Kandee Kosior is a children’s programming and outreach librarian. She has a Master of Library and Information Sciences from San Jose State University. Kandee’s research interests include feminist mothering, mothers and daughters and mothers and sons. She is the co-editor of the Demeter Press publication titled Feminist Parenting. She treasures the 30 years she spent with her husband raising their three children.