Sheree Fitch
Books by Sheree Fitch
Everybody’s different on EveryBody Street
EveryBody's Different on EveryBody Street
Summer Feet
There's a Mouse in My House
There’s a Mouse in My House
Sing in the Spring!
Sur la rue de Tout-le-Monde
Whispers of Mermaids and Wonderful Things
Atlantic Canadian Poetry and Verse for Children
Kisses Kisses, Baby-O!
Trilingual Edition
If I Were the Moon
If I Were the Moon
Twentieth - anniversary edition
Pocket Rocks
Pocket Rocks Read-Along
Polly MacCauley's Finest, Divinest, Wooliest Gift of All
A Yarn for All Ages
If You Could Wear My Sneakers
Toes in My Nose
And Other Poems
Mabel Murple
Hullabaloo Bugaboo Day
Singily Skipping Along
There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen (pb)
Night Sky Wheel Ride
There Were Monkeys in My Kitchen
Mabel Murple (pb)
Mabel Murple hc
Pluto's Ghost
Sleeping Dragons All Around pb
Weska'qelmut Apje'juanu
Kisses Kisses Baby-O Mi kmaq Language Edition
Sleeping Dragons All Around
20th Anniversay Edition