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Amy De'Ath

Fred Wah is from the Kootenay region of southeast British Columbia. He is best known for his biofiction, Diamond Grill (1996). Scree: The Collected Earlier Poems 1962-1991 was published in 2015. Other recent collections of poetry are Sentenced to Light, is a door, and The False Laws of Narrative. He was Canada's Parliamentary Poet Laureate 2011-2013 and lives in Vancouver. Amy De'Ath's poetry chapbooks include ON MY LOVE FOR gender abolition (Capricious 2016), Lower Parallel (Barque 2014), Caribou (Bad Press 2011), and Erec & Enide (Salt 2010). Her criticism has appeared in Women: A Cultural Review, Anguish Language (Archive Books 2015), and Cambridge Literary Review. She is a PhD Candidate at Simon Fraser University and lives in Vancouver, on unceded Coast Salish Territories.
Amy De'Ath is a PhD candidate at Simon Fraser University, where she researches Marxist Feminist poetics. She was previously based in London, UK and in 2011 was Poet in Residence at the University of Surrey. Her poetry books include Erec & Enide, Caribou, and Lower Parallel. She now lives in Vancouver, Coast Salish Territories.