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Serge Boucher

Originally trained as an actor, Serge Boucher has written four more successful plays since his first play, Natures mortes (Still Lives), was staged by Michel Tremblay in 1993. His second play, Motel Hélène, was performed in Montréal, Québec, Ottawa, Toronto, and in France before being adapted for television, and was nominated for the Governor Generalâ??s Literary Award in Drama. 24 Exposures (Portraits), ran for more than one hundred performances in Montréal, toured throughout Québec, was staged in English at Calgaryâ??s Alberta Theatre Projects, and received nominations for both a Masque and the Governor Generalâ??s Literary Award in Drama before being adapted for television. Avec Norm premiered at the Théâtre dâ??aujourdâ??hui in 2004 and was nominated for a Masque for best new play. Sergeâ??s most recent play, Les Bonbons qui sauvent la vie (Life Savers), premiered at the Compagnie Jean Duceppe in 2004, has toured Québec, and is ready for an English production. Serge Boucher is currently writing a television series for Radio-Canada.