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Danny Bednar

Dr. Danny Bednar is a geographer of space and researcher with the Canadian Space Agency. His areas of interest include the use of satellites in the fight against climate change and the robotic exploration of our solar system. He holds a PhD in Geography, with a focus on climate change policy from Western University, Canada, where he has also been teaching about space exploration since 2012. Danny holds a Master of Arts in Geography with a specialization in Environment & Sustainability from Western University and received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Winnipeg studying political philosophy and environmental science. Danny is passionate about mental health awareness and sharing his own experiences of living with severe depression and anxiety. He is also an advocate for the elimination of barriers for low-income students in education. In his spare time, Danny finds baroque music annoying and is passionate about providing a better life for all cats on Earth. He can be found on Twitter @DannyBednar.