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Al Beatty

Retired telephone company executives, Al and Gretchen Beatty today enjoy running a family owned business (BT’s Fly Fishing Products). Located in Delta, Colorado the two partners manufacture, distribute, operate a video production studio (fly fishing and tying, of course), write, and tie flies on a commercial basis. They also enjoys the grand kids and keeping a close eye on his three engineer son’s blossoming careers. A love for sharing their skills with others has opened the whole world to them. Their demonstrations and clinics, covering a variety of fly-fishing related subjects, have been presented in a variety of interesting places the world over like Europe, Scandinavia, the United Kingdom, and of course, North America. Both are regular demonstrators at the Federation of Fly Fishers Conclaves and for the International Sportsman Exposition video theater. They are sought after program speakers for clubs, councils, and national organizations.