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Victoria Barbour

A USA Today bestselling author, Victoria Barbour lives on the island of Newfoundland, and is fiercely proud of her home. She can imagine no better setting for her works, and she hopes that her readers will one day come to witness Newfoundland and Labrador’s rustic beauty for themselves. When she’s not writing, or trying to convince people to visit her home, she’s busy with her day-to-day life as a mother, wife, and marketing communications specialist.Victoria was born in St. John’s and raised above her family’s fish and chips restaurant. She has travelled and lived in other parts of Canada but chose to make her home where her heart has long resided. Victoria has a degree in history from Memorial University of Newfoundland, with a minor in Newfoundland studies. The only thing that stands between her and a master’s degree in history from Simon Fraser University in British Columbia is her thesis. She has a background in broadcast journalism, advertising, and marketing. She is a proud member of several writing organizations, including the Romance Writers of America (RWA); their affiliate chapter, Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada (RWAC); Romancing the Rock; and the Writers’ Alliance of Newfoundland and Labrador (WANL).Victoria counts herself lucky to be surrounded by an incredibly supportive family. She thanks her husband daily for his unerring faith in her and for being a wonderful father to their energetic but always entertaining son.