Roksana Badruddoja
Roksana Badruddoja is a feminine and masculine woman, a Bangladeshi American, a queer, a Muslim, a mother to a fierce 12-year-old girl, and a professor of sociology and women’s and gender studies. Before joining the faculty at Manhattan College, she was the Vice President of Research for the Partnership for the Homeless in NYC, and up until then, she was a professor at California State University, Fresno. She teaches courses on feminist research methods, women of color in the U.S., feminist activism, race and ethnicity, sociology of gender, and representations of women. Dr. Badruddoja’s research in the areas of race and ethnicity, sexuality, gender, religion, and culture, and how these impact South Asian American women has been published in numerous peer-reviewed journals. These include the National Women’s Studies Association Journal, the International Journal of Sociology of the Family, and the International Review of Modern Sociology. She is the author of Eyes of the Storms: The Voices of South Asian-American Women.