A new book from the team of Marthe Jocelyn and Tom Slaughter, Which Way? is an invitation to explore and understand the concepts we see every day in the signs around us. Navigating the world involves many decisions. How do we know which way to go? Will we pedal or drive? Do we need a map? Will we detour to see the scenery? This colorful book takes the reader along the right path; introducing road signs, directions, stoplights, and common sights that are part of any journey.
About the authors
Marthe Jocelyn is the award-winning author and illustrator of over thirty-five books for babies, kids and teens. Her illustrated books have been shortlisted for both the Governor General’s Literary Award and the Marilyn Baillie Picture Book Award. In 2009 she was the recipient of the prestigious Vicky Metcalf Award for her body of work. One Red Button and One Piece of String are the result of her lifelong obsession with scraps, and her delight in surprising the reader with unexpected details. Originally from Toronto, Marthe settled in Stratford, Ontario, after a thirtyyear stretch in New York. For more information, visit www.marthejocelyn.com.
Other titles by

One Kiss

Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: The Seaside Corpse

Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: The Dead Man in the Garden

Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: Peril at Owl Park

Aggie Morton, Mystery Queen: The Body under the Piano

One Piece of String

Sam Sorts

Viminy Crowe's Comic Book

A Big Dose of Lucky