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Social Science Women's Studies

Violence against Women

Philosophical Perspectives

edited by Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays & Laura M. Purdy

Cornell University Press
Initial publish date
May 1998
Women's Studies, Violence in Society, Ethics & Moral Philosophy
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  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    May 1998
    List Price
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    May 1998
    List Price

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This is the first anthology to take a theoretical look at violence against women. Each essay shows how philosophy provides a powerful tool for examining a difficult and deep-rooted social problem. Stanley G. French, Wanda Teays, and Laura M. Purdy, all philosophers, present a familiar phenomenon in a new and striking fashion.

The editors employ a two-tiered approach to this vital issue. Contributors consider both interpersonal violence, such as rape and battering; and also systemic violence, such as sexual harassment, pornography, prostitution, and violence in a medical context. The editors have further broadened the discussion to include such cross-cultural issues as rape in war, dowry deaths, female genital mutilation, and international policies on violence against women. Against this wide range of topics, which integrate personal perspectives with the philosophical, the contributors offer powerful analyses of the causes and effects of violence against women, as well as potential policies for effecting change.

About the authors

Contributor Notes

Stanley G. French is Professor of Philosophy at Concordia University in Montreal. Wanda Teays is Professor of Philosophy at Mount St. Mary's College in Los Angeles. Laura M. Purdy is Professor of Philosophy and Ruth and Alberg Koch Professor of Humanities at Wells College. She is the author of In Their Best Interest? and Reproducing Persons, both from Cornell, the coauthor of Bioethics, Justice, and Health Care, and coeditor of Feminist Perspectives in Medical Ethics and Embodying Bioethics: Feminist Advances.

Editorial Reviews

Violence Against Women is a much-needed addition to feminist and philosophical discussions of the myriad forms of violence that women experience around the world.... The thirteen essays offer new and culturally diverse perspectives.... a useful addition to readings in more advanced courses in feminist theory, ethics, and political philosophy.

NWSA Journal

This anthology has many virtues. It offers a cross-cultural view of violence against women in many of its familiar forms. Although clearly within the discipline of philosophy, the articles are written in a clear manner that is accessible to a diverse audience, including those working in grassroots movements and in activist communities who otherwise may look skeptically upon academic writing on violence against women. The authors provide lucid and concise explanations of theoretical underpinnings, and most articles include case studies which are illuminating and grounding while avoiding the sensationalism that examples of violence against women can sometimes evoke.

Letters in Canada

This diverse and wide-ranging collection of essays begins with a discussion of the complexity of surviving rape and ends with a discussion of the complexities of preventing and resisting rape.... The strength of this collection of essays lies in the clarity of argument and explanation. There is a clear and uncompromising commitment to making theory 'work' for women in the complex and diverse worlds in which they live.


This collection of thirteen essays shows why and how violence against women should be examined philosophically.... I found every one of these essays enlightening, and plan to use the book in my 'Feminism and Philosophy' course because I believe it will, as effectively as any book I know, counter two common beliefs: that there is no need for feminism because women have already achieved equality; and that insofar as feminism is important, philosophy is unimportant.
