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The Way History Dries

by (author) Keith Inman

Black Moss Press
Initial publish date
Sep 2020
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Sep 2020
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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Landscape is a proportional representation of storyline. You see it in the tumbled and stacked blocks of Spanish, Moorish, and Roman ruins of Spain. It is in the fields of grass contoured to hillsides changing colour in soft mountain winds under an angle of sun. Landscape records earth: trees with their rings, rocks their fossils, mountains their broken, upheaved, wind—carved features. Everything is recorded, at least, before time and weather washes, fades, wears or buries it. Habitation is slowly swallowed. It is a rare thing when history is discovered underground, by accident or through careful digging. People may look at history as erosion, rather than as the culture of life. This book is a soft study of endurance in a comfortable age. It looks at the practice of getting along. Nature does this best; at times we do it relatively well.

About the author

Declared the "people's poet", Keith Inman has been writing since his twenties and has become an award—winning poet. Prizes he has won include those from Cranberry Tree (2007), The Bannister (2004), and Freefall (2004). His poetry has been featured in various literary publications such as Thistledown, Event, New Quarterly, CV2, PRECIPICe and robmclennansblogspot. Beyond writing, Inman has been involved in other literary pursuits like judging literary contests and editing. He has received 'Reserve' and 'Progress' grant—badges from the OAC, and one from Sigillate Press, for being one of three poets in the book 'Hanging on a Nail,'(2009). Inman is a member of the Canadian Authors Association, the League of Canadian Poets and the Ontario Poets Society. His newest book of poetry SEAsia was released by Black Moss Press in October 2017.

Keith Inman's profile page