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Art Canadian

Spirit of Freedom

Original Prints and Mixed Media Works by Sheila Maki

with Joan Murray

text by Mary Willan Mason

The Robert McLaughlin Gallery
Initial publish date
Jan 1994
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Jan 1994
    List Price

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Sheila Maki is an abstract printmaker and multi-media artist. This exhibition consists of a limited range of darkly radiant colours and shapes: the form of a fish, droplet of water or the ponted top af an exclamation mark, screen-printed in different places on her expansive prints. Geometric forms slice into her collages.

About the authors

Joan Murray, an independent curator and art historian, is considered one of the most accessible of Canadian art writers and has studied and exhibited Tom Thomson for four decades. Since the late 1960s, she has been a curator of several institutions, including the Art Gallery of Ontario, and director of the Robert McLaughlin Gallery in Oshawa (1974-99) and the McMichael Canadian Art Gallery in Kleinburg (2005-6). Murray was elected to the Royal Canadian Academy in 1992 and has been honoured with the Senior Award from the Association of Cultural Executives, the Award for Lifetime Achievement from the Ontario Association of Art Galleries and the Order of Ontario. She lives in Toronto, Ontario

Joan Murray's profile page

Mary Willan Mason was born in Toronto into a prominent musical family and graduated from University College at the University of Toronto. A lifelong and dedicated student of fine art, she has written extensively on the subject. The Consummate Canadian is her first biography of a collector.

Mary Willan Mason's profile page