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Fiction Contemporary


by (author) Catherine Spencer

Initial publish date
Jul 2012
Contemporary, Romantic Comedy, New Adult
  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Jul 2012
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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When Virginia heard that Jordan Caine was coming home, she had to admit she'd never forgotten him. But Jordan was no longer the "bad boy" Virginia had grown up with. Now he was a successful and wealthy businessman, able to buy anything he wanted. Then Virginia discovered that the one thing Jordan really wanted was something money couldn't buy—the love of his adorable little boy, Patrick. So Virginia set out to help Jordan become the best father in the world. What she hadn't counted on, though, was losing her own heart in the process…!

About the author

In the past, Catherine Spencer has been an English teacher which was the springboard for her writing career. Heathcliff, Rochester, Romeo and Rhett were all responsible for her love of brooding heroes! Catherine has had the lucky honour of being a Romance Writers of America RITA finalist and has been a guest speaker at both international and local conferences and was the only Canadian chosen to appear on the television special, Harlequin goes Prime Time.

Catherine Spencer's profile page