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Ràithean airson Sireadh / Seasons for Seeking

Dàin Rumi airson a' Mhìosachain Ghàidhealaich on Albainn Nuaidh / Poems of Rumi for the Gaelic Cultural Calendar in Nova Scotia

by (author) Lodaidh MacFhionghain

Bradan Press
Initial publish date
Nov 2017
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Nov 2017
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  • CD-Audio

    Publish Date
    Nov 2018
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  • eBook

    Publish Date
    Nov 2017
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  • Downloadable audio file

    Publish Date
    Nov 2018
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Lewis MacKinnon’s fourth Scottish Gaelic poetry collection features translations of selected poems by Coleman Barks, well-known interpreter of the renowned 13th-century Persian poet Rumi, alongside MacKinnon’s own original poems. The poems in this bilingual collection are grouped thematically in sections corresponding to days that are celebrated in the Gaelic cultural calendar year in Nova Scotia.

About the author

Rugadh Lodaidh MacFhionghain ’san t-Sìthean, Ceap Breatuinn, do athair aig a bheil a’ Ghàidhlig agus do mhàthair a tha ’na h-Acaidhtidheanachd is aig a bheil a’ Fhraingis. Chaidh a thogail air tìr-mór na h-Albann Nuaidh ann a’ Siorramachd Antaiginis. Foghlumaichte ’sa’ Bheurla, ré nan gnìomhan pearsanta, acadaimigeach agus dreuchdail aige, chùm Lodaidh sùim ’san t-sinnsearachd Ghàidhealach aige. Lewis MacKinnon was born in Inverness, Cape Breton, to a Gaelic-speaking father and a French Acadian mother. He was raised on the Nova Scotia mainland in Antigonish County. Educated in English, throughout his personal, academic and professional activities, Lewis has maintained an interest in his Gaelic roots.

Lodaidh MacFhionghain's profile page

Editorial Reviews

Tha MacFhionghuin a’ toirt dhuinn sealladh air cuid de bhàrdachd agus smuaintean cumhachdach is cudromach bho inntinn fìor iongantach, o dhuine bho linn fad air ais an eachdraidh agus o àite fad’ air falbh, ach fear le faclan a bhios fhathast buntainneach do ‘r beatha làitheil an-diugh. Obair mhath, air a cur gu math, agus airidh air aire farsaing. Molaidh mi dhan t-saoghal i. Ach bithibh faiceallach—faodaidh i smaoineachadh domhain a thoirt oirbh! —Aonghas MacLeòid, Còbh Anndra, Ceap Breatainn, AN

MacKinnon gives us an insight into some powerful and important poetry and thoughts from a truly remarkable mind, that of a man from a distant past and a far away place, but one whose words still resonate with everyday life today. A fine and well put together piece of work, worthy of widespread attention. I recommend it to the world. Beware—it will make you think. —Angus MacLeod, Goose Cove, Cape Breton, NS

Tha an leabhar grinn seo a’ toirt ri chèile bàrdachd bho dhiofar linntean is dùthchannan ach uile air tòir na h-aon ceann-uidhe—gliocas. […] Tha e na thlachd mhòr sgrìobhadh cudromach ùr mar seo a leughadh à Canada. Thillear dhan leabhar seo iomadach ùr gus cèilidh a-rithist air cuid de na dàin. […T]ha feadhainn a dh’fheumar cnuasachd is cuid eile a tha goirid, grinn is a bhualas nad inntinn mar ghath grèine. Gun teagamh bheir e ort meòrachadh air ioma chuspair, is thig tlachd an cois sin. —An Dr. Aonghas MacLeòid, Glaschu

This elegant book brings together poetry from different eras and countries but all in pursuit of the same objective—wisdom. […] It’s a great delight to read important new writing like this from Canada. One will return to this book many times to visit some of the poems. […S]some must be pondered and others are short, neat and strike your mind like a sunbeam. Without doubt it will make you ponder many subjects, which will itself be a joy to the reader. —Dr. Angus MacLeod, Glasgow