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Children's Fiction Self-esteem & Self-reliance

Princess Lila Builds a Tower

by (author) Anne Paradis

illustrated by Karina Dupuis

Chouette Publishing, Inc.
Initial publish date
Apr 2017
Self-Esteem & Self-Reliance, Girls & Women
Recommended Age
3 to 18
Recommended Grade
p to 1
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2017
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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Princess Lila lives in a beautiful castle and has everything she could ever desire—well, almost. She yearns to venture beyond the forest, explore her country and meet people her own age. But the forest is off limits. Resourceful and ingenious, Princess Lila sets to work building a tower to catch a glimpse of the forbidden land. Thus begins a thrilling adventure: she becomes the manager of a vast construction project involving an impressive number of materials, obstacles and solutions. At last, with the help of the castle’s staff, she constructs a tower that extends above the trees. After the plucky princess takes matter into her own hands, will she find what she was looking for?

About the authors

CrackBoom! Books - Books to learn, laugh, inspire ...and so much more!

CrackBoom! Books is devoted to bringing innovative reading experiences to children ages 0 to 12. Our bold, fun and colorful formats have won over the hearts of little ones worldwide since 2016. We offer a great variety of fun and educational books: picture books, touch-and-feel books, word books, nightlight books, lift-the-flap books, sticker books, look and- find books, and many other options!

CrackBoom! Books is an imprint of PAPP International Inc.

Anne Paradis' profile page

Juliana Léveillé-Trudel’s first novel, Nirliit, was hailed by critics and by the public when it was published in 2015. It was translated into English by Vehicle Press in 2018 and will be adapted for the screen. Juliana Léveillé-Trudel is also a playwright and a founder of the Productions de brousse, a theater company. How to Catch a Bear Who Loves to Read is her first children’s book.

Karina Dupuis' profile page

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