The newest entry in the feline literary canon is here… so pee on this, cat poet wannabes
Hipster cats, stay-at-home-mom cats, windowsill cats, and outdoor cats—you’ll find them all here, immortalized in prose about, for, and sometimes by, cats. With a Brooklyn edge, author Jennifer McCartney ups the cool quotient on this burgeoning genre.
Of Mice and Men
There once was a cat who loved books
He liked bookshelves that had lots of nooks
He thought especially nice
The tomes about mice
One page and the kitty was hooked
From limericks to beat poems, haikus to sonnets, riffs on famous verse to original blank verse, there is something here for every cat lover to enjoy.
About the author
Contributor Notes
Jennifer McCartney is the New York Times best-selling author of Cocktails for Drinkers, The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place, The Rodent Not Taken, and more. She has written for the Atlantic, Teen Vogue, Curbed, and elsewhere. McCartney lives in Brooklyn, New York.