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Social Science Folklore & Mythology

Kappianaqtut - Strange Creatures and Fantastic Beings from the Inuit Myths and Legends

Volume I: Giants and the Mother of the Sea Mammals

by (author) Neil Christopher

Inhabit Media
Initial publish date
Nov 2008
Folklore & Mythology
  • Hardback

    Publish Date
    Nov 2008
    List Price

Classroom Resources

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The Kappianaqtut series, whose name refers to "that which is frightening," explores supernatural beings in Inuit storytelling traditions across generations, regions, and dialect.
The author has compiled information from historical transcriptions, such as those of Knud Rasmussen and Franz Boas, with the knowledge of contemporary Inuit elders and storytellers, including Marianne Taparti, Mark Kalluak, and George Kappianaq, to present readers with a broad perspective on the complex variations and local knowledge of supernatural beings in the circumpolar North.
Volume 1 introduces readers to stories of giants and stories of the mother of the sea mammals, who is often referred to as Sedna today, but was once also known by many other names.

About the author

Neil Christopher is an educator, author, and filmmaker. He first moved to the North many years ago to help start a high school program in Resolute Bay, Nunavut. It was those students who first introduced Neil to the mythical inhabitants from Inuit traditional stories. The time spent in Resolute Bay changed the course of Neil’s life. Since that first experience in the Arctic, Nunavut has been the only place he has been able to call home. Neil has worked with many community members to record and preserve traditional Inuit stories. Together with his colleague, Louise Flaherty, and his brother, Danny Christopher, Neil started a small publishing company in Nunavut called Inhabit Media Inc., and has since been working to promote Northern stories and authors.

Neil Christopher's profile page

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