Introduction to International Development / Making Sense in the Social Sciences Pack
- Publisher
- Oxford University Press
- Initial publish date
- Nov 2009
- Category
- Geography
- 9780195439069
- Publish Date
- Nov 2009
- List Price
- $81.95
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International Development programs at the undergraduate level have burgeoned throughout the world in recent years. Formerly found on the margins of mainstream academic units, and largely confined to graduate studies, these programs pioneered both multidisciplinarity and praxis (the combinationof academic analysis and real-world engagement with development issues) in the university and college setting. The appeal and common sense behind this approach, as well as the way development studies has connected with students' values, has brought development into the mainstream academy as anidentifiable discipline.The Introduction to International Development Studies textbook sets out to respond to the particular needs of undergraduate international development programs - namely their inherent multidisciplinarity and their normative concern with praxis. Previous texts have typically been anchored withinspecific disciplinary traditions and have generally overlooked contributions from other disciplines to crucial debates in international development. Given that most international development programs of study are multidisciplinary in nature, there is a clear need for a text that is explicitlymultidisciplinary in its approach to the key issues.
About the authors
Paul A. Haslam est professeur agrégé de l’École de développement international et de mondialisation (ÉDIM) de l’Université d’Ottawa. Il est codirecteur, avec Pierre Beaudet, de l’ouvrage Introduction au développement international, approches, acteurs et enjeux (PUO) ; en 2012, il a été codirecteur de la version anglaise, Introduction to International Development: Approaches, Actors and Issues (Oxford University Press).
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Pierre Beaudet est professeur de l’École de développement international et mondialisation à l’Université d’Ottawa. Il a codirigé le manuel Introduction au développement international : Approches, acteurs et enjeux (Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2008). Ses travaux de recherche explorent les problématiques du développement et les impacts de la mondialisation dans plusieurs pays du tiers monde, notamment le Brésil, l'Inde, la Palestine, l'Afrique du Sud et le Niger.