Political Science Globalization
Innovating South-South Cooperation
Policies, Challenges and Prospects
- Publisher
- University of Ottawa Press
- Initial publish date
- Aug 2019
- Category
- Globalization
- 9780776623207
- Publish Date
- Aug 2019
- List Price
- $29.99
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This book presents novel approaches to further SouthSouth Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale. The evolving aid architecture and mounting development challenges demand an urgent and critical review of existing aid modalities, policy-making and forums for international cooperation. With the rise of emerging powers, we face an important question: ls the changing global order transforming the nature of development cooperation? Promoting equitable broad-based growth in order to alleviate poverty, calls for a new understanding of the principles of development assistance, good governance, transparency, ownership, and accountability.
This book is published in English.
Les changements en matière d’aide internationale et les défis soulevés par les crises alimentaires, financières et énergétiques exigent un examen critique des conventions actuelles en matière d’assistance et d’élaboration de politiques et de forums décisionnels en coopération internationale.
À la lumière de la montée de pouvoirs émergents, une analyse de la manière dont un ordre mondial en mutation transforme la nature de la coopération pour le développement s’impose.
La promotion d’une croissance économique équitable et d’une réduction de la pauvreté exige une nouvelle compréhension de l’aide au développement et une gouvernance, transparence, propriété et imputabilité optimales.
L’avenir de la Coopération Sud-Sud repose sur de nombreux facteurs, comme l’amélioration des moyens de communication et le partage des connaissances entre pays partenaires, l’adoption d’une approche analytique pour définir les biens publics régionaux et mondiaux, l’identification et l’évaluation des bonnes et des mauvaises pratiques et la fusion des priorités économiques et sociales.
Au moyen d'études de cas, les auteurs proposent des approches novatrices pour promouvoir la Coopération Sud-Sud et établir des politiques de développement international efficaces.
Ce livre est publié en anglais.
About the authors
Hany Gamil Besada is the Senior Research/Program Advisor and Senior Research Coordinator of the UN Office for South-South Cooperation, United Nations Development Programme, and Senior Research Fellow, China Institute for South-South Cooperation in Agriculture, China Agriculture University He is also Non-resident Senior Research Fellow with the UN University-Institute for Natural Resources in Africa; Senior Fellow, Columbia Centre on Sustainable Investment; Research Professor, Institute of African Studies, Carleton University, and Senior Fellow with the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa.
Hany Gamil Besada's profile page
M. Evren Tok is the program coordinator of the Islam and Global Affairs Program and an Associate Professor for College at the Islamic Studies at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. Tok is the Lead Project Investigator for a research grant funded by Qatar National Research Fund on entrepreneurship education and co-lead investigator for a research project on the Oatari perspective on natural resource governance in Africa.
Leah McMillan Polonenko is a Proiect Evaluator and Applied Researcher, specializing in international development, social policy, and experiential learning. She has worked in higher education in Canada and the United Arab Emirates, and served as an evaluation consultant and researcher for a variety of development projects, with regional expertise in Sub-Saharan Africa. She is currently Program Coordinator, International Development Studies in the Centre of Critical Development Studies at the University of Toronto Scarborough.
Leah McMillan Polonenko's profile page
Manmohan Agarwal's profile page
Karin Costa Vazquez's profile page
Cristina D’Alessandro's profile page
Barassou Diawara's profile page
Natasha Fernando's profile page
Christina Sandra Lengfelder's profile page
Excerpt: Innovating South-South Cooperation: Policies, Challenges and Prospects (edited by Hany Gamil Besada, M. Evren Tok & Leah McMillan Polonenko; contributions by Manmohan Agarwal, Karin Costa Vazquez, Cristina D’Alessandro, Arjan de Haan, Barassou Diawara, Natasha Fernando, Ariane Goetz, Andrew Grant, Kobena Hanson, Christina Sandra Lengfelder, Ward Warmerdam, Karolina Werner, Aylin Yardimci, Ajarat Bada & Simon Mevel)
Breaking down the divide between traditional and emerging development partners, this book provides critical insight into the dynamic landscape of south-south cooperation.