Discrete Multivariate Distributions
- 9780471128441
- Publish Date
- Feb 1997
- List Price
- $379.95
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Jetzt ist die 'Bibel' der Verteilungstheorie komplett: Dieser vierte Band, geschrieben von zwei anerkannten Fachleuten, spiegelt die Entwicklungen der letzten 2 Jahre wider.
About the authors
Contributor Notes
NORMAN L. JOHNSON, PhD, DSc, is Professor Emeritus in theDepartment of Statistics at the University of North Carolina atChapel Hill. Dr. Johnson received his PhD and DSc degrees instatistics from the University of London, and has taught atUniversity College, London, the Case Institute of Technology, andthe University of New South Wales. He is coauthor of UnivariateDiscrete Distributions, Second Edition (with Samuel Kotz andAdrienne W. Kemp), and Continuous Univariate Distributions, Volumes1 and 2, Second Edition (with Samuel Kotz and N. Balakrishnan). Dr.Johnson was Editor in Chief (with Samuel Kotz) of the ten-volumeEncyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, and he is currently AssociateEditor of Metron and a member of the editorial board of SequentialAnalysis.
SAMUEL KOTZ, PhD, is Professor of Statistics in the Department ofManagement Science and Statistics at the University of Maryland atCollege Park. Dr. Kotz received his PhD in mathematical statisticsfrom Cornell University and has held distinguished visitingpositions at Bucknell University, Bowling Green State University,Tel Aviv University, University of Guelph, Harbin Institute ofTechnology (China), and Lule? University (Sweden). He is thecoauthor of Urn Models and Applications, Symmetric Multivariate andRelated Distributions, Educated Guessing, and Process CapabilityIndices. He is Coordinating Editor of Journal of StatisticalPlanning and Inference.
N. BALAKRISHNAN, PhD, is Professor in the Department of Mathematicsand Statistics at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.In addition to publishing many research papers, he has authored orcoauthored numerous books, including A First Course in OrderStatistics and Order Statistics and Inference: Estimation Methods.Dr. Balakrishnan serves on the editorial board of many journals,including Communications in Statistics, Computational Statistics& Data Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Reliability, NavalResearch Logistics Quarterly, IIE Transactions, American Journal ofMathematical and Management Sciences, and Journal of AppliedStatistical Science.