Using his own personal experiences and encounters with others during his ministry over the years, Sylvain Lavoie OMI explores Jesus’ commandment to “love your neighbour as yourself” (Mark 12:31). With the help of stories, reflections and scripture, Lavoie reformulates Jesus’ words as “love yourself” and gently offers insights into how to journey into self-awareness and step into greater self-love. Accompanying him is the wisdom of Henri Nouwen, Richard Rohr, Ronald Rolheiser and other spiritual thinkers. Each chapter ends with inspiring words from Nouwen’s writings along with reflection questions to help you integrate your learning into your daily life.
About the author
SYLVAIN LAVOIE is archbishop of Keewatin-The Pas and a member of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. A native of Highgate, Saskatchewan, he has authored numerous articles on aboriginal ministry, as well as the booklet Together We Heal. Archbishop Lavoie has also give retreats and workshops on addictions awareness and the Twelve Step Program for over 30 years.
Editorial Reviews
My late husband, Chief Walter Twinn, observed that “our challenge as Indigenous people is not economic, it’s spiritual.” Sylvain’s vulnerability and authenticity lend permission to our spiritual process of self-awareness and self-love, away from the relentless external seeking, blaming and co-dependency society encourages. However painful, the truths we discover about ourselves liberate us from enslaving fears, anxieties, sub-conscious beliefs and destructive patterns we transmit to others. By being with, knowing our woundedness and recovering self-love, we are healers. —Catherine M. Twinn, LL.B, LL.M., Q.C., Barrister and Solicitor, Mediator and Certified Arbitrator, Edmonton, Alberta
With Henri Nouwen at his side, Bishop Sylvain shares his life wisdom by inviting us to participate in his journey through thought-filled passages from his travelling companion and to take stock of our journey with Integration questions at the end of each chapter. Once again, old friend, you’ve made me work and brought me closer to our Manito. —Former Chief Harry Lafond, M.Ed., Diploma of Cree Language Instruction and scholar of Indigenous education, University of Saskatoon, and advisor to the kotawan program and Muskeg Lake Cree Nation Council
Although this book has a bone structure based on quotes from Henri Nouwen’s writings, it is the stories of people, with their struggles and questions that reveal their small delights and despairs, that put flesh on the experience of becoming aware of LOVE – God’s, others’ and our own – and how they translate that Spirit into their lives that are the core (heart) of this book. It will encourage you to make your life come true and be what God dreamed and created you to be, with love. —Megan McKenna, PhD, author of The Poor Save Us and many other books, theologian, scholar, retreat leader, teacher and storyteller, New Mexico