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Children's Fiction Railroads & Trains

Caillou Takes the Train

adapted by Anne Paradis

illustrated by Mario Allard

Chouette Publishing, Inc.
Initial publish date
Apr 2018
Railroads & Trains, Travel, General, Media Tie-In
Recommended Age
3 to 18
Recommended Grade
p to 1
  • Paperback / softback

    Publish Date
    Apr 2018
    List Price

Classroom Resources

Where to buy it


Caillou is very excited when his family decides to take a trip by train. After they have settled into their compartment, Daddy takes Caillou to explore the train. There is so much to see and do; Caillou visits the kitchen, the dining car and even the dome car! But when it's time to sleep, Caillou wonders where the bed are. Luckily, the train attendant holds the key to the secret.

About the authors

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