Book Picks and News
Our latest recommendations and more

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Books on Flight
Great books to complement the Grade 6 Science and Technology Unit.

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Plants and Soil
Great books to support the Grade 3 Plants and Soil Science Unit.

Best Dystopian YA
"My favourite part of reading dystopian books is learning the many versions of our world that authors create."

Notes from a Children's Librarian: Rocks and Minerals
Nonfiction, picture books, and novels that support the Grade 4 curriculum.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Heritage and Identity
Our Children's Librarian columnist, Julie Booker, brings us a new view from the stacks every month.
How do family and community traditions change …

Media Literacy for Kindergarten
Our Resident Children's Librarian recommends resources to complement the Media Literacy objective for kindergarten.

Tanaz Bhathena: YA Girls Behaving Badly
"These so-called badly behaved female protagonists had me rooting for them all the way to the end."

Most Anticipated: Our 2018 Spring Books for Young Readers Preview
Amazing picture books, early-readers and middle grade, and YA titles that will delight readers of all ages.

Picture Books for Black History Month
A perfect opportunity to highlight these excellent books which celebrate Black heroes and Black culture.

Notes From a Children's Librarian: Animal Books
Great nonfiction titles to introduce "Animal Classifications," the Grade 2 science unit.